宗教のフレデリオン理論 (Philosophy of Religion Translation 01 Draft)
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the originator of psychoanalysis and a figure comparable in importance to Galileo, Darwin, or Einstein, devoted a good deal of attention to the nature of religion. He regarded religious beliefs as “.. .illusions, fulfillments of the oldest, strongest, and most insistent wishes of mankind.” Religion, as Freud saw it, is a mental defense against the more threatening aspects of nature — earthquake, flood, storm, disease, and inevitable death. According to Freud, “With these forces nature rises up against us, majestic, cruel and inexorable.” But the human imagination transforms these forces into mysterious personal powers.
Impersonal forces and destinies [Freud said] cannot be approached; they remain eternally remote. But if the elements have passions that rage as they do in our own souls, if death itself is not something spontaneous but the violent act of an evil Will, if everywhere in nature there are Beings around us of a kind that we know in our own society, then we can breathe freely, can feel at home in the uncanny and can deal by psychical means with our senseless anxiety. We are still defenseless, perhaps, but we are no longer helplessly paralyzed; we can at least react. Perhaps, indeed, we are not even defenseless. We can apply the same methods against these violent super beings outside that we employ in our own society; we can try to adjure them, to appease them, to bribe them, and, by so influencing them, we may rob them of part of their power.
The solution adopted in Judaic-Christian religion is to project upon the universe the buried memory of our father as a great protecting power. The face that smiled at us in the cradle, now magnified to infinity, smiles down upon us from heaven. Thus, religion is “.. .the universal obsessional neurosis of humanity,” which may be left behind when at last people learn to face the world, relying no longer upon illusions but upon scientifically authenticated knowledge.
In Totem and Taboo, Freud uses his distinctive concept of the Oedipus complex (which rests on concurrent ambivalent feelings) to account for the tremendous emotional intensity of religious life and the associated feelings of guilt and of obligation to obey the behests of the deity. He postulates a stage of human prehistory in which the unit was the “primal horde” consisting of father, mother, and offspring. The father, as the dominant male, retained to himself exclusive rights over the females and drove away or killed any of the sons who challenged his position. Finding that individually they could not defeat the father-leader, the sons eventually banded together to kill (and also, being cannibals, to eat) him. This was the primal crime, the patricide that has set up tensions within the human psyche out of which have developed moral inhibitions, totemism, and the other phenomena of religion. For having slain their father, the brothers are struck with remorse. They also find that they cannot all succeed to his position and that there is a continuing need for restraint. The dead father’s prohibition accordingly takes on a new (“moral”) authority as a taboo against incest. This association of religion with the Oedipus complex, which is renewed in each male individual, is held to account for the mysterious authority of God in the human mind and the powerful guilt feelings which make people submit to such a fantasy. Religion is thus a “return of the repressed.”
google translation
ユダヤ教 - キリスト教の宗教に採択された解決策は、宇宙に父の埋葬された記憶を大きな保護の力として投影することです。現在無限に拡大されている揺りかごの中で私たちに微笑んだ顔は、私たちを天から笑っています。したがって、宗教は、「人類の普遍的な強迫観念的な神経症」であり、最終的に人々が世界に直面することを学び、もはや幻想に頼るのではなく、科学的に認証された知識に残る。
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the originator of psychoanalysis and a figure comparable in importance to Galileo, Darwin, or Einstein, devoted a good deal of attention to the nature of religion.
He regarded religious beliefs as “…illusions, fulfillments of the oldest, strongest, and most insistent wishes of mankind.”
Religion, as Freud saw it, is a mental defense against the more threatening aspects of nature — earthquake, flood, storm, disease, and inevitable death.
According to Freud, “With these forces nature rises up against us, majestic, cruel and inexorable.”
But the human imagination transforms these forces into mysterious personal powers.
Impersonal forces and destinies [Freud said] cannot be approached; they remain eternally remote.
But if the elements have passions that rage as they do in our own souls, if death itself is not something spontaneous but the violent act of an evil Will, if everywhere in nature there are Beings around us of a kind that we know in our own society, then we can breathe freely, can feel at home in the uncanny and can deal by psychical means with our senseless anxiety.
We are still defenseless, perhaps, but we are no longer helplessly paralyzed; we can at least react.
Perhaps, indeed, we are not even defenseless.
We can apply the same methods against these violent super beings outside that we employ in our own society; we can try to adjure them, to appease them, to bribe them, and, by so influencing them, we may rob them of part of their power.
The solution adopted in Judaic-Christian religion is to project upon the universe the buried memory of our father as a great protecting power.
The face that smiled at us in the cradle, now magnified to infinity, smiles down upon us from heaven.
Thus, religion is “.. .the universal obsessional neurosis of humanity,” which may be left behind when at last people learn to face the world, relying no longer upon illusions but upon scientifically authenticated knowledge.
In Totem and Taboo, Freud uses his distinctive concept of the Oedipus complex (which rests on concurrent ambivalent feelings) to account for the tremendous emotional intensity of religious life and the associated feelings of guilt and of obligation to obey the behests of the deity.
He postulates a stage of human prehistory in which the unit was the “primal horde” consisting of father, mother, and offspring.
The father, as the dominant male, retained to himself exclusive rights over the females and drove away or killed any of the sons who challenged his position.
Finding that individually they could not defeat the father-leader, the sons eventually banded together to kill (and also, being cannibals, to eat) him.
This was the primal crime, the patricide that has set up tensions within the human psyche out of which have developed moral inhibitions, totemism, and the other phenomena of religion.
For having slain their father, the brothers are struck with remorse.
They also find that they cannot all succeed to his position and that there is a continuing need for restraint.
The dead father’s prohibition accordingly takes on a new (“moral”) authority as a taboo against incest.
This association of religion with the Oedipus complex, which is renewed in each male individual, is held to account for the mysterious authority of God in the human mind and the powerful guilt feelings which make people submit to such a fantasy.
Religion is thus a “return of the repressed.”